Feedback on essay | Questions to discuss
- Is it clear what this research project is investigating? What key themes or insights does this literature review highlight? If not clear, how could it be made better? Perhaps the introduction could be done differently — how?
- Is the flow of ideas easy to follow, or does it feel scattered?
- Does the review provide enough detail without feeling overwhelming? Is there a good balance between summarizing key ideas and diving deeper into analysis?
- Is there a good balance between presenting existing knowledge and opening up possibilities for new insights?
- Is it clear that there is space in this research field where the future project could contribute something? Are there interesting avenues for further study, does the essay gesture towards them?
Engagement with the Literature
- Is the literature discussed in detail? Does the essay integrate the sources seamlessly? Does it feel like we are part of a bigger and vibrant conversation?
- Does the review point out any interesting moments, contradictions? Is there an effort to engage with these conversations?
- Does the review engage critically with the sources, or does it mainly summarize them? Is there a clear discussion of how the sources contribute to the topic?
- Are different perspectives or arguments in the literature addressed? Does the review discuss conflicting viewpoints or just focus on one side? If the latter, is it clear why?
Writing (/Presenting) Style
- Are key concepts explained well for someone new to the topic? Is the review accessible to readers unfamiliar with the subject?
- Is the writing engaging, or does it feel overly technical or dry? Is the tone accessible or interesting while maintaining academic rigor?
- Were there any sections that felt particularly well-written or compelling?
- Is the writing good? How do you assess that?
- Does the writing keep you interested? How/why/not?
IMA / Outro